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Ken C.

I didn’t believe acupuncture until I met Dr. Chen. I messed up my lower back and got herniated disk problem while I was squatting 325 pounds at the gym. The pain went from my lower back down to one of my legs. I could barely walk. But after Dr. Chen did the work on my back, I instantly felt the

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Dennis C.

Last year I developed a pinched nerve in my back that utterly debilitated me. I could barely move with pain that often reached a 9. I tried every type of treatment including Chiro, Physical Therapy, heavy duty pain meds and nothing helped. I finally realized that only his treatments were helping me so I focused entirely on seeing him. Over

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Nadia Y.

Started treatment with Dr Chen about 3 weeks ago for Bell’s palsy and I am glad I did. After about one week I started to see mayor improvements. Dr Chen has always been polite and his office staff as well.

Paula B.

Dr. Winson Chen, acupuncturist extraordinaire,, no joke,offers alternative measures for pain relief that get you off the cycle predetermined by insurance companies and money. See doctor,get meds,WAIT,get therapy,WAIT,limited healing,WAIT, still suffering….surgery anyone? Pay the machine!
I’m a sceptic by nature and speak from experience I’ve had c5c6c7 neck fusion to alleviate pinched nerves in neck, recently pain

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1(408) 779-1634